
Well we went back to the doctors let him know of all these side effects Calvin was having, and he was at a loss. I mean whos armpits burn when on a new medication. My hubsbands that's who. So the doctor took him off the beta-bolker he was on, and to a mild alternative that has not had any side effects for people. he is feeling much better. He also was told to cut the cholesterol medicine in half. I am so glad to mostly have my hubby back. He was so tired, emotional, ECT and I didn't like seeing him like that. I am also happy that Friday morning he will be going in for his stress test. Lets please hope for the best. He has told me if the doctors give him the ok to stop meds he will and he will then continue to lose weight and get everything down naturally.


    Hope the stress test goes well. Losing weight is a great way to get BP and cholesterol down (most of the time!). Sending success his way!

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