Going Orange for STELLAN!

I follow a blog here on blogger known as My Charming Kids or you may have heard of MckMama. Well her little boy Stellan has a heart condition that makes his heart beat too fast at times. I follow her on Twitter and from her recent tweets, found out he is not doing well. He is in SVT (rapid heart beat aka Supraventricular Tachycardia) Please send up words of strength, healing, knowledge and health for Stellan. MckMama's Stellan's favorite color is orange, so in support of Stellan not feeling well, GO ORANGE! ((some posts about orange HeRe))

Always praying for Stellan in Wyoming!!

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    I am wearing Orange for Stellan again today!! Keeping the entire McKfamily in our prayers!

    On July 26, 2009 at 7:26 PM Anonymous said...

    I don't have orange that is his Mom's favorite color not his but will pray.


    I am praying Stellan can get out of the SVT!!

    On July 29, 2009 at 12:41 PM Anonymous said...

    Stellan is looking a little better and not wearing orange since he is a bit little to have a favorite color.

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